Disposables - General Use

No Item Units Need Received Balance
1Ilostomy Bagsunit2000200
2Colostomy Bagsunit2000200
3Dressings TapeBoxes100001000
4Gauze DressingsBoxes5000500
5Sterile DressingsBoxes5000500
6Sharpes containers small 4000400
7Sharpes containers medium4000400
8Sharpes containers large5000500
9Rubber Gloves for cleaningcases10010
10Cleaning rags Box10010
11Tongue Depressors cases10010
12Toilet rolls cases10010
13Toilet roll holders 75075
14Paper towelscases10010
15Paper Towel Dispensers 50050
16Cleanser liquidcases25025
17Hand cleanser dispensers picece1000100
18One shot disposable needlesBoxes2000200
19Dressing paksBoxes5000500
21Cotton Q tipsBoxes5000500
22Cotton Wipes Boxes5000500
23Cotton Swabsbags5000500
24Waste Disposal BagsBoxes100001000


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  • Tel: 023 231 590/ 023 231 596/ 081 231 590/ 088 279 5050

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